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Proceedings of the 1st Jordanian Conference on Logistics in the Mashreq Region (JCLM1)

  • The 1st Jordanian Conference on Logistics in the Mashreq Region was organized within the framework of the research project “JOINOLOG”, funded by the German Ministry of Education and Science. The project’s conclusion and introduction to an audience of peers was the 1st Jordanian Conference on Logistics in the Mashreq Region (JCLM1), conducted on November 14th and 15th, 2023. These are the proceedings of this final event. They consolidate the shared efforts of all participants and speakers in JCLM1. The collection of these scientific results aims to promote logistical sciences and its transfer into application, which is reflected by their multidimensional presentation in this document.

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Editor:Sascha Düerkop (Hochschule Fulda), Jakob Grubmüller (Hochschule Fulda), Ismail Abushaikha (German-Jordanian University), Rana Badran (German-Jordanian University)
Contributor(s):Muath Basheer, Niklas Hildebrand, Sebastian Kummer, Yasmeen Baddar, Maja Trstenjak, Goran Đukić, Tihomir Opetuk, Fatima Al-Badareen, Khaldoun Tahboub, Rand Hassan Abu-Musallam, Mohammad Alnadi, Ismail Abushaikha, Wassan Al-Masa’fah, Walid Al Saad, Jose Garza-Reyes, Simon Nadeem, Moayad Al Talib, Luay Jum’a, Omar Mohammad Bwaliez, Saja Khasawneh, Ahmad Hanakta, Fares Lawrence Abu Dayyeh
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Date of Publication (online):2024/02/05
Date of first Publication:2024/02/05
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Fulda
Release Date:2024/02/05
Tag:Conference; Jordan; Proceedings; Supply Chain Management
Dewey Decimal Classification:6 Technik, Medizin, angewandte Wissenschaften / 65 Management, Öffentlichkeitsarbeit / 650 Management und unterstützende Tätigkeiten
Licence (German):License LogoCreative Commons - CC BY - Namensnennung 4.0 International

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