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Project Studies in Specific Business, Legal and Economic Topics: video conference presentations

  • Based on a first video conference: small and middle sized companies in Russia and Germany: A comparative view organized by University "Interregional Institute of Economics and Law", Saint Petersburg/Russia and the University of Applied Sciences – Faculty of Business, Fulda/Germany held on 20th May 2010. Both institutes decided to organize a follow-up conference on January 27th 2011. Again the focus was to compare both markets for international operating companies in reasons for going abroad. The following papers are the outcome of this conference and were presented on the one hand by Fulda master students and on the other hand by Master Students from Saint Petersburg. The overall focus was again a comparative work from a company point of view. Hereby the main research question was to present different case studies based on a heterogeneous group of German-based companies in terms of size and branches. Success and failure in international management activities are discussed on an empirical and statistical basis. Furthermore the students from both institutes learnt also some practical matters like for example how can a foreign company establish its legal presence in Russia?

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Author:Thomas R. Hummel, Maria S. Turovskaya
Series (Serial Number):Discussion Papers in Business and Economics (3)
Document Type:Working Paper
Date of Publication (online):2011/06/24
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Fulda
Contributing Corporation:University "Interregional Institute of Economics and Law" St. Petersburg
Release Date:2011/06/24
Tag:Fulda; Germany; Russia; Saint Petersburg; Video conference
GND Keyword:Fulda / Hochschule Fulda; Sankt Petersburg / Staatliche Universität Sankt-Petersburg; Videokonferenz
Institutes:Wirtschaft / Wirtschaft
Dewey Decimal Classification:3 Sozialwissenschaften / 33 Wirtschaft / 330 Wirtschaft

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