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Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour : Chance, community-health.eu ; Proceedings of the 2nd International Meeting of the Project CHANCE, 12. 6. 2009, Fulda, Germany

  • CHANCE is a project funded by the EU-programme GRUNDTVIG/ “Lifelong Learning Programme” conducted from December 2007 to November 2009. Partners from the participating countries presented their individual project results at the 2nd international meeting on June 12th 2009, in Fulda, Germany. CHANCE describes new pathways to enhance and support people in the long term to be well-informed and to take responsibility for their own health. The focus of the project was based on the following questions: - What resources are offered by the community to live healthy or healthier and what are the barriers that need to be resolved? - Are there cultural differences in health behaviours and in the perception of health information? - What health information is perceived in general and by whom? - What information and health interventions are required? CHANCE shows how people in different European cities and communities live, perceive information with regard to health and process it. The inhabitants of the communities were motivated to participate actively in the improvement of local interventions with regard to consumer education in health. The community approach aims to reach socially, culturally or economically disadvantaged groups such as elderly people, migrants and single parents.

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Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Date of Publication (online):2010/01/19
Publishing Institution:Hochschule Fulda
Release Date:2010/01/19
GND Keyword:Gesundheit; Nachhaltigkeit
Institutes:Oecotrophologie / Oecotrophologie
Sozialwesen / Sozialwesen
Dewey Decimal Classification:3 Sozialwissenschaften / 30 Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie / 300 Sozialwissenschaften

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